Cosmetic Treatments

 As we age, our skin and volume (fat pads) of the face change and can give a tired appearance. Droopy eyelids (ptosis) and hooding of the upper lids (dermatochalasis) can make the eyes feel heavy. Volume loss of the cheeks can contribute to a more aged appearance – just think about how chubby a baby’s cheeks are!


Dr Ullrich is trained in injectables including anti-wrinkle injections and hyaluronic acid fillers. She will utilise dermal fillers for both cosmetic as well as medical indications.

Autologous fat transfer uses fat taken from the abdominal / thigh areas to be injected around the midface to give longer lasting effects than fillers.

Blepharoplasty with or without ptosis correction may help to make the eyes look more open and rejuvenate the facial appearance. 

As our eyebrows descend with time, a brow lift may often be needed to achieve a rejuvenated appearance.

If you want to feel and look refreshed, Dr Ullrich will perform a comprehensive assessment and offer an individualised treatment plan to rejuvenate the midface and eyes. Dr Ullrich will always utilise a conservative approach, individualising treatments and avoiding the “done” look, rather aiming for a naturally refreshed appearance. 

Risks and Benefits of any procedures will be discussed with you prior to any treatment/surgery. Individual advice may vary.